Incensed? I was furious!

Incensed? I was furious!

Except I wasn’t furious, anything for a bit of word play.

This post is about incense, in particular I thought I’d share a protection and clearing incense that I have had success with.


  • Frankincense resin (small pieces 3-5mm)
  • Myrrh resin
  • Eucalyptus leaves (for countering/reversing negativity)
  • Pine needles
  • White sage, or sage.

I ordered the resins on-line as well as the dried eucalyptus leaves. The pine needles I went to a local wood, and asked the nature spirits if they minded if I picked up small branches of green pine needles that had fallen on the ground and took them away. There was no definite “no” response, so I gathered up some of them and took them home. Separated the individual needles and put them on a baking tray in the oven on about 50°C to dry them out. I stored the extra dried needles in a jar until I need them. If you have the time, you can let the pine needles dry out naturally if you have the time. The white sage, I’ve used, last time round I just grabbed some normal sage from my prolific sage plant in the garden and hung it up to dry.

On the day of Saturn and the 2nd hour of Saturn (conveniently because it’s early afternoon), you could use the 1sr or 3rd hour of Saturn if you so wish.  I then recite the orphic hymn of Saturn and ask for the incense I make during this Saturn hour to clear and protect where ever it is used.

I then put the ingredients in a bowl in a ratio of about 1:1 so it looks like there’s about the same amount of all the ingredients. I cut the eucalyptus leaves into small squares between 4-8mm in size and do something similar with the sage (either white or normal). It’s then all mixed in the bowl and asked again for this incense to clear and protect, and is then decanted into a jar for use as required.
