Condensed Guide To Sigils
This is a condensed guide to getting started and using Sigils.
It was constructed to help anyone wanting to participate in the Adventures In Woo – Quadragesima challenge. Though is suitable for anyone wanting to learn about the basics of constructing sigils.
What Is A Sigil?
A sigil in this case is a symbolic representation of an intention.
How Do I Create a Sigil?
1. Set an intention
2. Design the sigil
3. Charge the sigil
4. What do I do with the charged sigil?
5. Helping yourself
1. Set an intention – make it realistic, set caveats and a timescale!
Let’s say you want to win the the lottery, this isn’t a realistic goal. You’re not likely to win the jackpot, but if you went ahead you’re more likely to win a small amount, like £10-20.
Let’s try a more practical intention, let’s say you want to make extra income, doing something you enjoy. Say astrology and want to do natal chart readings and perhaps grow it into a business?
“I make money for my business doing natal chart readings.”
You’ve not specified how much money. You could try this intention and end up with one or two readings, so yes you make some money, but it’s not much.
“I make a minimum three figure income for my business doing natal chart readings.”
That seems manageable, after all you’ve also got a day job. What about the quality of your readings? People will come back if you’re good and recommend you to their friends.
“I make a minimum three figure income for my business doing reliable and accurate natal chart readings.”
What about a timescale?
“I make a minimum three figure income for my business doing reliable and accurate natal chart readings, within the next 12 months.”
Can we improve this? Yes we can, we can say how often we want that three figure sum.
“I make a minimum three figure income for my business PER MONTH doing reliable and accurate natal chart readings, within the next twelve months.”
That looks like we’ve covered our bases and don’t have any obvious pitfalls in our statement.
Tips for creating a statement of intention.
- Use present tense
- Positive words, not negative ones
Clear or fixed goals.
Described the end point rather than the journey
2. Designing the sigil
Take the statement below and write out each different letter missing out the vowels.
“I make a minimum three figure income for my business PER MONTH doing reliable and accurate natal chart readings, within the next twelve months.”
Here are all the different letters sans vowels in the above statement: WMTKHRFGCBSPDLVN
Now sketch out these letters on a piece of paper, draw them together, next to each other, backwards, upside down, on top of each other. Whatever you feels works for you.
Here is the first attempt:
Now take that and simplify and refine….
Refine it again…
Refine it as many times as you choose until it no longer resembles the letters. When you are happy with it, stop.
Draw the final version on a piece of paper or card. You can do it on an ordinary piece of paper with a sharpie or you could get some fancy black card and a gold or silver pen and use that. You could also burn it into wood, or engrave into stone or metal. The choice is entirely up to you. Card may be a better option than paper as it is more robust.
Additional Info
You don’t need to do this all at once, you could take time out, write down the letters, come back to it a few days later. You could do a couple of iterations now, a few later. The idea is that you forget what intention is linked to the sigil. This is easier if you are making multiple sigils, but we’ll come back to that at activation.
3. Charging the sigil
You can charge one sigil at a time, or you can charge multiple sigils at the same time (shoaling).
As with any magick act, clear/protect your space before you begin. If you want incense, go ahead and put some on.
There are various different ways to activate a sigil, the method you choose is entirely up to you. Here’s a simple method.
Have the sigil in front of you, with a lit tealight or bigger candle behind it.
Stare at the sigil, let your eyes de-focus, breath slowly and deeply, try to meditate on the sigil, stare at the candle for a bit and back to the sigil if it helps. Try to focus on the symbol and not what the intention was.
It might take a few minutes, but do this until you feel a change. Your sigil is now activated.
Shoaling is activating multiple sigils, so you use the method above the only difference is you lay out as many sigils as you want.
With shoaling, you can create sigils for things you already have to help manifest what you want. Such a sigil is called a robofish, it is created the same way as any other sigil. The robofish could be a simple intention statement like
“I drive a Tesla”.
If you have ten sigils and say you create two robofish sigils to take the total up to twelve. Lay them out and focus on each sigil in. When you feel a change move onto the next one.As there are multiple sigils it will make it harder to remember what each specific sigil is for, and thus making meditating on each sigil easier.
Other sigil activation methods
Some people take illicit substances to do this, some people masturbate over their sigils. Google is your friend, it will help you find a method which works for you.
4. What do I do with the charged sigil?
That’s a good question, some people put them somewhere they can see them, and remind themselves they set intentions. Others might leave them outside somewhere, with a coin or a stone on top for someone to find, have them left to nature. You can even hide them away in a drawer if you so choose. It’s up to you.
Once your sigil or sigils have come to the end of their usefulness you can place them in a river or the sea, burn them or bury them. Whatever seems fitting to you.
5. Help yourself
How can I help myself? What do you mean? That’s a very good question. If we use the example above about natal chart readings, I’d start telling people I did them, I’d work our a far price based on my knowledge and skills. I’d also work out how to improve my readings and communication skills with people. I’d ask people for feedback on their readings. All things which would help make the venture more successful.
If you sit back and expect things to happen, they’re less likely to manifest. If you want to increase the probability of something happening you need to ensure you do related activities.
If I wanted a new home, what is more likely to land me a suitable property? Waiting for one of my friends to contact me out of the blue saying a house near them that I would like is for sale? Or checking the property pages and estate agents to see what was out there, and letting people around me know what I was looking for?
You may ask what the point of the sigil is then? There are a raft of reasons for doing so, it might be that it will help you find what you’re looking for, it can provide the necessary motivation for changes to happen within yourself. Does it matter which one causes your intention to manifest? No.
Happy sigiling!