House House House House
Not that House, it’s not lupus!
It’s another day and I received a notification for renewing the domain, a timely reminder to stop procrastinating and get some content on the go!
I wanted to have a look at house systems. Under different house systems I have some planets that move around different houses and I wanted to compare where my chart differs under different house systems and see what fits best for me. I’m just looking at the traditional planets and MC in this post, but I’ve included the outer planets in the charts and table below.
ADVISORY: Different people use different house systems because they prefer them, or they may use different house systems for different activities such as horary. I don’t care what house system anyone uses, pick the one(s) that work for you. If you are interested there’s an overview of the house systems over on Astrodienst
Below I’ve compiled the house placements by house system into a chart. Out of curiosity, I’ve wondered what the prevailing house for each planet was, no astrology, just averaging out.
Average of the house positions
Sun – 6th
Moon – 12th
Mercury – 5th
Venus – 6th
Mars – Even between 11th/12th
Jupiter – 10th
Saturn – 12th
Uranus – 3rd
Neptune – 4th
Pluto – 2nd
MC – 10th
With the exception of Mars and the MC, in the averages, they are really close to Whole Sign. Pointless curiosity out of the way, I’m going to look at each planet in turn and the house placements and see what fits for me. I know the sign and aspects also play a part here, but I’m trying to keep it simple here.
The Sun
If the 5th house represents children and creativity, and the 6th work, service and health. I’d say the 6th lines up well for me. I’ve always working in a service capacity of some kind, whether it’s been as a shop assistant, or numerous IT support roles, I’ve always had to deal with some form of customer interaction and provision of support services.
The Moon
1st house of self, 12th house of enemies, loss, seclusion and hidden things. I’d firmly land in the 12th, the locking down of emotion and not really letting people in, I like my ‘alone time’ away from other people to recharge as sometimes people are too much. I can also be my own worse enemy at times.
In the 5th of children and creativity and the 6th of work, service and health. Here we have a bit of a mix that’s difficult to separate out. I like to keep written and spoken communication as simple and easy to understand so everyone can understand. For work I have to communicate clearly and effectively all the time. This one doesn’t feel like it has a decisive house. If I look at aspects, there’s a sextile to Uranus in the 3rd and a trine to the MC in the 9th. I prefer where presentations or talks or something fresh, interesting or have a novelty aspect to keep my interest. I should note that I have a longer attention span than the average child! So the 5th would seem to be a good fit.
In the 5th of children, creativity and pleasure or the 6th of work, service and health. If tell you the majority of relationships I have had all stem from work, whether it was someone I worked with or, some at work who introduced me to someone. My wife I first met while I was at high school, though we didn’t start seeing each other until years later. Venus in the 6th it is.
In the 11th of groups, friends, etc or the 12th of things hidden. For me Mars is also retrograde here, and given things are hidden, I tend to no be outwardly aggressive, I bottle things up, I avoid confrontation, which ends up with these things leaking out through passive aggression. Mars in the 11th doesn’t seem to fit at all for me.
In the 10th of career or 11th of groups, friends. There is a lot of crossover been these two areas. There has been growth and expansion in both house topics. In the past I made a lot of friends through work, though in the past 10 years, that hasn’t really been the case. I got my last job through someone I met at work years before. I feel lucky in my career, it has taken a long time to get where I am, and I feel I’ve always fallen into the right job for me at the time. I feel Jupiter in the 10th is a better fit for me.
Saturn (malefic contrary to the sect)
In the 1st of self or the 12th of enemies, loss, seclusion and hidden things. I feel a sense of duty and responsibility and the need to follow rules, which works for the first, however, like with the moon I have a desire or need to withdraw from people and recharge regularly, which fits well with the 12th. Like Mercury here it doesn’t feel clear cut. I do worry a lot, I’m constatnly planning and working out what to do in non-existant sitatuions when thrown into doubt that something could go wrong, which would fit with Saturn in the 12th. Aspect wise, Saturn is conjunct the Ascendant (which also fits with the 1st house, duties and responsibilities). Conjunct the moon and squaring the MC. I think here Saturn is firmly in the 12th.
For me the houses in question match with Whole Signs, now I appreciate this is the case for me, and for someone else it may not be the case. I could have looked at some other examples, but I have been procrastinating over writing this for a few months, worrying too much about getting something wrong, so now that I have written it, I to put it out there sooner rather than later!